
频道:八字运势 日期: 浏览:2

Pisces Horoscope For July 2022



Every src="https://bazibang.com/zb_users/upload/2022/05/20220503141920165155876070326.webp" width="100%" height="100%" alt="关于2022年苏珊米勒7月运势的信息" title="关于2022年苏珊米勒7月运势的信息" />关于2022年苏珊米勒7月运势的信息



The place of the full moon is your twelfth house, which rules your subconscious mind, so if you have been seeing a professional therapist, you may have a psychological breakthrough when you attain a new perspective. You seem ready to confront a subject you may have avoided for a long time. When you do confront it, it will be a relief.


The twelfth house, where the full moon of July 23 will fall, is considered a part of the chart that reflects the bottomless well of your creativity. The caveat is that you screen out the cacophony of voices and opinions of those around you and go off by yourself to think and create. Plumb the depths of your subconscious, and you will be able to express or create work of great artistic value.


Meanwhile, Venus will quietly tiptoe into Virgo, your seventh house of
mitment and marriage, on July 21 until August 15. Mars will enter Virgo too, a few days later, on July 29, to remain until September 14. Although Mars and Venus won’t make a conjunction in Virgo, hng both in your marriage and established partnership sector is a sweet development. This pair is a sexy one, and their job is to increase the sparks of love and affection. By month’s end, your work life will simmer down and be less demanding, giving you more time for your spouse or partner.


You might decide to take a little trip with your one-and-only to spend quality time together. Plan now, but set your trip to be next month, just after the new moon of Sunday, August 8. Leave on Sunday and return the following Sunday for a glorious week together. This vibration will, admittedly, favor attached Pisces. For single Pisces, the new moon of July 9 will be your friend, as outlined above. As you see, all Pisces are loving and being loved in July and August.



