江诗丹顿57260有57项复杂功能(GRAND OEUVRECOMPLICATIONS),其中包括春分和秋分,它们是经典的钟表天文功能(节气)。在品质传播微信订阅号里提到的史上怀表里程碑的3个怀表中,1897-1904完成的勒骅(Leroy)也有这个功能。天文功能还包括冬至夏至。
具有秋分功能的其他表还有勒骅1号(Leroy #01)
时间功能(Time Functions)
1.平太阳时规范时钟指针式时针、分针、秒针Regulator-type hours, minutes andseconds for solar meantime
2.外露式球形飞轮,球形游丝Visible spherical armillary tourbillonregulator with spherical balance spring
3.三轴飞轮Three-axis tourbillon
4.12小时第二时区小时和分钟12-hour second time zone hours and minutes
5.24城市世界时Indication for 24 world cities forworld-time
6.12小时昼夜显示世界时间Day and night indication for the 12-hourworld-time
万年历功能(Perpetual Calendar Functions)
7.格里高利历万年历Gregorian perpetual calendar
8.格里高利历星期的日Gregorian days of the week
9.格里高利历的月Gregorian months
10.格里高利历的日期Gregorian retrograde date
11.四年一轮的闰年Leap-year indication and four year cycle
12.周的天数Number of the day of the week (ISO 8601calendar)
13.年的周数Indication for the number of the weekwithin the year (ISO 8601 calendar)
希伯来历万年历(Hebraic Perpetual Calendar Functions)
14.希伯来历19年周期Hebraic perpetual calendar with 19-yearcycle
15.希伯来日历名称Hebrew name of the day
16.希伯来月名称Hebrew name of the month
17.希伯来日期显示Hebrew date indication
18.希伯来世俗历Hebrew secular calendar
19.希伯来世纪、十年和年Hebrew century, decade and year
20.希伯来月份显示(12或13个月)Indication for the number of months inthe Hebraic calendar year (12 or 13 months)
21.19年周期的金数显示Indication for the Golden Number with19-year cycle
天文历功能(Functions of the Astronomic Calendar)
22.季节、冬至夏至、春分秋分、黄道十二宫显示Indications for the seasons, équinoxe,solstices and signs of the zodiac with “sun” hand
23.根据表主所在城市的星空图The sky chart (calibrated for the cityof the owner)
24.恒星时间的小时Sidereal time hours
25.恒星时间的分钟Sidereal time minutes
26.表主所在城市的日出时间小时Hours of sunrise (calibrated for thecity of the owner)
27.日落时间小时Hours of sunset (calibrated for the cityof the owner)
28.时间等式Equation of time
29.表主所在城市昼长Length of the day (calibrated for thecity of the owner)
30.夜长Length of the night (calibrated for thecity of the owner)
阴历(Lunar Calendar Function)
31.月龄和月相(1027年调整一次)Phases and age of the moon, alt="万年历羊年是哪几年,属羊的年份查询表" src="https://bazibang.com/zb_users/upload/2022/04/20220428041906165109074638969.webp" width="100%" height="100%" />