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郑景元(曾用名郑俊华),1965年生,陕西汉中市人。 陕西省周易研究会副秘书长、中国国际周易联合会陕西分会副会长、中国《郑氏福堂》第九代堂主、民间玄学资深隐士。










郑景元 从十三岁开始承传家训,背读有关《周易》命理入门知识。父辈们言传身教各种方术、易理,包括建筑、坟墓、风水、山相等。因为年纪小,故难辩其理。偶尔也同父辈一起去给旁人看墓地等,但始终如读天书一般。直到大学期间,和同学闲聊,帮他们算命,还确有精准之处。但这都未曾引起郑景元的兴趣。毕业后参加工作,因家境并不富有,低微工资难以改变家庭,便放弃工作,自谋发展。90年来到上海,茫茫人海,个个陌生,几经周折,随便找了份不理想的工作,因为心中不满,一年后辞职,便游访名山、名寺,以期找到高人为自己指点迷津。




92年在上海小有成就。同年3月受上海一老板邀请,陪他去浙江普陀山敬香游玩,在那里又得到了名师指点,小住多日,便跟随大师去了天童山、雁荡山、国清寺、保国寺、阿育王寺、七塔寺,包括安徽九华山、广东观音山、罗浮山等。在游访这些名山一名寺的同时,有缘结识了很多民间隐士、居士、主持、命学家,和他们一起探讨《周易》数术,包括中国道教、 佛教及各种方术之类。在此得到了最大受益,并也和这些前辈们结下了很深的友谊。由于郑景元懂得做人之理,更能领悟以德服入,厚德载物,所以谦虚、好学,不张扬,这成了郑景元的品德,所以93年开始,郑景元走遍了浙江各个城市,包括农村,尤其在宁波创下了最高的知名度和社会认可度。为传承中华传统文化做出了巨大贡献,这两幅作品为其巅峰之作,具有极高的收藏价值。

英文翻译:Zheng Jingyuan (formerly known as Zheng Junhua) was born in 1965 in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. Vice Secretary General of Shaanxi Zhouyi Research Association, Vice President of Shaanxi Branch of China International Zhouyi Federation, the ninth generation of Chinese "Fu Tang" hall, senior folk metaphysics hermit.

He was influenced by his family when he was a child. At the age of 13, he began to learn the numerology of the Book of Changes by heart. After graduation from university, he has devoted himself to the inheritance and application of Zhouyi culture. He has studied Zhouyi for more than 40 years and traveled all over China. He has been inheriting the family motto and carrying forward the Chinese "Zheng's Fu Tang" Zhouyi forecasting family industry, which has been highly recognized by many experts.

Zheng Jingyuan is now the ninth generation of master of Zheng's Fu Tang in China and a senior forecaster at Huaxia Feng Shui Cultural Research Center. "2011 Xi 'an First Zhouyi Cultural Value and Architectural Humanistic Environment Academic Forum" was awarded: "China's Top Ten Feng Shui Forecast Experts", "China's Top Ten Naming Experts", "China's Outstanding Numerology Professionals", and China's "Zheng Fu Tang" was awarded: "China's Top Ten Feng Shui Planning Organizations".

Zheng Jingyuan calligraphy: < Hongfu Heaven-sent >

This is a classic calligraphy of teacher Zheng Jingyuan. Hongfu heaven, as the saying goes, gas off the pen, ink off the Yun color, this calligraphy force through the back of the paper, at one go, meaning to save the pen first, to achieve a high level of calligraphy.

This is Zheng Fu Tang seal, the seal can be seen in different shades of printing traces, its color is vermilion, the use of mineral cinnabar material, generally only master artists are willing to use this expensive cinnabar seal material, mineral cinnabar material can be kept for thousands of years, even if wet by rain, still bright after dry.

At the age of 13, Zheng Jingyuan began to carry on his family's instruction and recite the numerology of Zhouyi. Our fathers taught by example and words all kinds of techniques, including architecture, tombs, feng shui, mountains and so on. Being young, it is difficult to explain. Occasionally, I went with my father to show the graveyard to others, but I always read books from heaven. Until college, chatting with classmates and telling their fortunes was accurate. But none of this appealed to Zheng. After graduation, he started to work. Because his family was not rich and the low salary was difficult to change his family, he gave up his job and sought his own development. Arrived in Shanghai 90 years, boundless sea of people, each is strange, after many twists and turns, looked for a job that is not ideal casually, because in the heart is discontented, resign after a year, swim visit famous mountain, famous temple, with a view to finding tall person gives directions to oneself maze.

Zheng Jingyuan calligraphy: < room elegant people and >

This is a pair of elegant words: elegant family and people and harmony, also reflects that people value harmony as the most valuable, family and everything is smooth, people and other things, as long as we have the nature, time and land, will make a difference.

He made some achievements in Shanghai in 1992. In March of the same year, I was invited by a boss in Shanghai to accompany him to visit Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, where I got guidance from a famous teacher. After staying for several days, I followed the master to Tiantong Mountain, Yandang Mountain, Guoqing Temple, Baoguo Temple, Ashoka Temple and Seven Pagoda Temple, including Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province, Guanyin Mountain in Guangdong Province and Luofu Mountain. While visiting these famous mountains and temples, I got to know a lot of folk hermits, laymen, masters and fortunetrists, and discussed with them the numbers-techniques of Zhouyi, including Chinese Taoism, Buddhism and various prescriptions. In this got the biggest benefit, and also with these predecessors forged a very deep friendship. Since Zheng Jingyuan understood the principle of being a man, he was able to understand how to serve with virtue and how to hold things with virtue. Therefore, he was modest, studious and quiet, which became Zheng Jingyuan's moral character. Since 1993, Zheng Jingyuan has traveled all the cities in Zhejiang Province, including the rural areas, and achieved the highest popularity and social recognition in Ningbo. He has made great contributions to the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, and these two works are his pinnacle works, with extremely high collection value.