
频道:八字 日期: 浏览:1




描写安静的句子(1)、你不爱我,是距离吹散我们的承诺,不是你的错。You don't love me, blow is our commitment, it's not your fault.

(2)、乌丝缠绕,绵绵密密坠红尘。风起罗衫舞,偏向月明轮Filament winding, tightly falling off the world of mortals. The wind dancing ROM unlined upper garment to paddle to month

(3)、窗外,是一道风景,却不在心里;心里,有一道风景,却不在窗外!Out of the window, is a scenery, but not in the in the mind; In the heart, have a scenery, but not out of the window!

(4)、我看着你,容不得去忘记,又容不得去记起。夏天是什么颜色。最后的夏天。再一次的出卖了自己。再一次再一次沉睡在安眠里。记忆如潮水般覆灭了整个年轮。那一丝的痛楚在一次的让心撕碎。可我依然安详。I look at you, not to forget, again will be to remember. What colour is summer. The last summer. The sells his again. Once again, again sleep in sleeping. Memory like the tide has found the ring. That a bit of a pain in a heart in pieces. But I still serene.

(5)、窗外雨在下,一颗挨着一颗,我的泪水也蓬勃了,如窗外那断了线的雨珠。The rain outside the window, one next to one, my tears also booming, such as beads of rain outside the window the broken line.

(6)、你说这是我的坚强,我微笑,这不过是我的寂寞与倔强You said this is my strong, I smile, this is only my lonely and stubborn

(7)、总是费尽心思追到一个人,然后却又千方百计甩掉这个人Always tried to catch up with a person, then has one thousand ways to dump the man again

(8)、教室里那么安静似乎可以听到自己的心受伤的声音轻轻地用双臂抱紧自己。So quiet in the classroom seemed to hear the voice of my heart hurt gently hold yourself with both arms.

(9)、可笑的是,我们在朋友面前假装心理专家,但却连自己的问题都解决不了。Ironically, we pretend to psychological experts in front of your friends, but it cannot solve the problems of its own.

(10)、只有不甘于平凡的灵魂,才能背负起期待改变的心Only does not dare the ordinary soul, can carry up to change hearts

(11)、那种灰心的绝望再次浮现,我没法诉说我有多害怕That kind of frustrated desperate resurfaced, I can't tell you how much I afraid

(12)、窗外夜幕低垂,正是大雨滂沱,间或传来暴风雨中的殷殷雷鸣。Darkness falls outside the window, it is heavy rain, there was talk of thunder storm.

(13)、这时候,窗外十分地安静。树枝不摇了,鸟儿不叫了,蝴蝶停在了花朵上,好象都在听同学们读课文。最有趣的是,跑来了几只猴子。这些山林里的朋友,是那样好奇地聆听小朋友们朗读课文。At this time, out of the window is very quiet. Don't shake the branches, the birds do not sing, the butterfly settled on the flower, like listening to the students read the text. The most interesting thing is, ran a few monkey. Friend, in these mountains is so curious, listening to children read the text aloud.

(14)、那刺穿云块的阳光就像根根金线,纵横交错,把浅灰蓝灰的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。The pierced them sunshine like spikes gold thread, crisscross, shallow blue ash ash clouds note into a pattern of beauty.

(15)、渐渐地学会了安静,懂得了沉默,梦醒了,没有相约,何时再见?两个世界,就像平行线,谁也无法改变。Gradually learned to quiet, to understand the silence, waking up, did not meet, when to meet again? Two of the world, just like parallel lines, no one can change.

(16)、夏天的夜晚十分安静,只有青蛙的叫声,一切显得那么安谧。The summer night is very quiet, only the frogs, everything seems so quiet.

(17)、漆黑的夜晚,除了闹钟的滴答声和树枝的摇摆声,周围一片寂静。Dark night, in addition to the clock ticking and swing in the branches, the silence around them.

(18)、你相信吗我的有生之年,必会有那麽一个人,在灯光辉煌之中,翩翩而来,告诉我,相信爱情,并且,那是一辈子的事情。Do you believe in my lifetime, there will be so a person, in the light of glory, engaging and come, tell me, believe in love, and it is a lifetime thing.

(19)、心情不好时,闭上眼,告诉自己,这是幻觉。In a bad mood, close your eyes and tell myself that this is an illusion.

(20)、坚强的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败,然后泪流满面。Strong heart, is often a simple comfort to beat, and then into tears.

(21)、我从来没把那些过往忘记,而是将它们埋葬在窗外的月光里,夜色上浮,它们便会争先恐后地蜂拥而出。I never forget the past, but to bury them in the moonlight, outside the window the night rise, they will be pouring out of scrambling.

(22)、飞机场的骚乱一会儿就停止了,这里的人都是有着自己的方向的,匆匆地起飞,匆匆地下降,带走别人的故事,留下自己的回忆。Airport riots soon stopped, the people here are all have their own direction, take off in a hurry, hurry down, take away other people's stories, leave your memories.

(23)、是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。I'm brave is too long, decided to live for you alone.

(24)、当暖暖的阳光照在身上时,我有一种被幸福笼罩着的感觉。喜欢看天空,那种蓝色,像雨后的青石板,处处是清爽,透露出令人舒服雅致的感觉……When warm warm sunshine in the body, I have a feeling of covered with happiness. Like watching the sky, that blue, like the green flag after the rain, everywhere is relaxed, reveal a comfortable elegant feeling...

(25)、他没答完试卷,我并不感到奇怪。他有一半的时间都花在往窗外看。He didn't finish a paper, I don't feel strange. He spent half the time to look out the window.

(26)、从我的窗外望出去,中庭只是一片平凡的风景。公寓里的陈设也是简单的:桌椅画架桌上的画笔文具画架上未完成的油画,还有台灯,以及几尊古旧的雕像描写安静的句子Look out through my window, the atrium is just a piece of ordinary scenery. The display of the apartment is simple: tables and chairs unfinished easel brush stationery on the table an easel painting, and desk lamp, and a few old statue...

(27)、会场非常安静,我只听见自己的心跳,周围的人好像的定住了,甚至没有听见他们的呼吸。The meeting place was very quiet, I only hear your heartbeat, the people around you seems to settle, not even hear their breathing.

(28)、是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。I'm brave is too long, decided to live for you alone.

(29)、阳光,它是让花朵绽放的新生之源泉;是让候鸟归来的温柔之动力;是让积雪化春水的轻快之交响。大千世界,处处有阳光,我用双眼发现阳光,用双手承接阳光,用心灵汲取从这世界上如涓涓细流渗淌出的阳光。无论自然界的阳光还是用爱绘出的阳光,沐浴着阳光,它让我成长。The sun, it is the source of new let flowers blossom; Is the power of make migratory birds return tender; Is to let the snow melt and the symphony of light. World, everywhere is the sunshine, I found the sun with eyes, continues the sun in his hands and draw from this world with your heart as a trickle permeability streaming out of the sun. Regardless of the nature of the sunshine or draw with love the sun, bathed in sunshine, it let me grow up.

(30)、森林里静得连效能煽动翅膀的嗡嗡声都听得清清楚楚。Forest quiet efficiency flaps its wings "buzzing" sound is heard clearly.


1)、所谓坚强,不是在灾难面前不哭,而是要笑着面对以后。The so-called strong, not cry in front of the disaster, but to face the future with a smile.

描写安静的句子2)、我深深相信,会有那么一个人用尽全力爱上我的全部。我的哭,我的笑,我的任性,我的温柔,我的依赖,我的自私,我的天真,我的粗心,我的疯狂,我的安静,还有我同样用尽全力爱上你的全部的那颗心。I deeply believe that there will be such a person tried to fall in love with my all. My cry, my smile, my willful, my gentle, I depend on, I selfish, my naive, my carelessness, I crazy, my quiet, and I also tried in love with you all the hearts.

3)、安静的,安静的,安静的。不要让别人知道哦,我是如此安静的爱着你。Quiet, quiet, quiet. Don't let others know oh, I love you is so quiet.

4)、森林里静得连效能煽动翅膀的嗡嗡声都听得清清楚楚。Forest quiet efficiency flaps its wings "buzzing" sound is heard clearly.

5)、灿烂的星空令人充满幻想,蛙鸣几声送来夜的微凉Brilliant starry sky is full of fantasy, cry a few sound from the cool of the night

6)、初恋是立夏时节的夜晚, 可以嗅到栀子花淡淡的清香First love is the beginning time of the night, can smell gardenia light faint scent

7)、车窗外,模糊的景物飞逝。夜舞靠在星耀的肩上,望着窗外,脑海里却是凌乱的前世今生的记忆。Window, fuzzy scenery passing by. Night dance on star yao's shoulder and looked out the window, my mind is messy incarnations of memory.

8)、时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。Time didn't wait for me, is you forget to take me away, I left hand you'll never forget the firefly, right hand is ten years a long meditation.

9)、我长途散步后,喝上一杯,休息一番并且看窗外的景色是很愉快的。After a long walk, I have a drink, a rest and see the scenery outside the window is very pleasant.

10)、一个人哭,你只需要给他一包纸巾,但是一颗心哭了,你却要做很多事情。A person cry, you just need to give him a pack of paper towel, but a heart cry, but you have to do a lot of things.

11)、扭头看向窗外,不是窗外的景色多么迷人,是屋里的气氛太过沉闷。Look out of the window, not how attractive the scenery outside the window, is the atmosphere of the room is too boring.

12)、自己跑过的风景,只能是路过,再后来只能是遗忘Oneself ran scenery, can only be passed, then can only be forgotten

13)、七 平静的大海是一个蓝色的世界,无风无浪,心平气和,而又有谁知道这平静之中隐藏着危机呢平静是大海虚假的一面。Seven smooth sea is a blue world, no wind, no waves, calm, and who knows about this hidden crisis in quite calm false side is the sea.

14)、无论你受到多少委屈伤害,我这永远是慰藉安心的栖息地Injustice damage, no matter how much you are my this is always a comfort comfortable habitat

15)、教室里安静极了,同学们都在做作业,好象听到蚕吃桑叶的沙沙声。Very quiet in the classroom, the students are doing homework, seemed to hear the rustling of silkworms eat mulberry leaves.

16)、生活毕竟只是生活,就像离别的时候没有BGM没有滤镜Life, after all, is life, as to leave no BGM no filter

17)、不需要你给我一场惊天动地,只想要你陪我度过每一天Don't need you to give me a great, just want you to accompany me through each day

18)、窗外幼小的梅树一株,正璨璨于满眼晴光之下,枝柯覆雪,风致绝佳。Plum tree outside the window the infant in a plant, are ladies ladies at eyeful shine under the light, snowy branch and charming.

19)、生活需要阳光,就如花儿需要阳光一样;生活需要阳光,就如同黑暗需要阳光;生活需要阳光,就如同寒冷需要阳光一样。描写安静的句子Life need sunshine, just like the flowers need sunshine; Life need sunshine, just like the dark need sunshine; Life need sunshine, like cold need sunshine. Beautiful sentences

20)、格斯挺直了腰,瞪着别格,随即又瞪着道克,道克正望着前面窗外。Gus straightened waist, don't stare, then glared at doc, doc is looking at the front of the window.

21)、舍其心,直其身,树其节, 掩一世心肺空凉悲怅叹Shed its heart, until the body, the tree its section, cardiopulmonary empty cool pathos mask I sigh

22)、冬日里的雪花飘飘洒洒,若一颗蒲公英的种子四海为家In the winter snow or spread, if a dandelion seed everywhere

23)、城市的黄昏问候着骑着幽怨的门窗,你可知道此刻安静的我安静得有些疯狂。City the evening regards the riding bitterness of doors and Windows, do you know now my quiet quiet a bit crazy.

24)、所谓爱情就是,有那么一个人,可以轻易控制你的情绪,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。The so-called love is that has so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.

25)、那飞檐上的两条龙,金鳞金甲,活灵活现,似欲腾空飞去。The two dragons on the eaves, Jin Lin shining, lifelike, seemed to fly fly away.

26)、拥有的只是不告而别,要如何守着回忆那些隐隐作痛的夜Don't have without him, how to keep the memories those dull ache in the night

27)、那些美丽的小鱼,它们睡觉的时候也睁着眼睛。不需要爱情,亦从不哭泣。它们是我的榜样。Those beautiful fish, they sleep also with your eyes open. Don't need love, also never cry. They are my role model.

28)、你失去的,只是一个不懂得珍惜你的人,他失去的,却是一个可以为他付出一切的人。You lose, just a don't know how to cherish you of person, he lost, but a man can give everything for him.

29)、春山暖日和风,阑杆楼阁帘栊。Hills warm day and the wind, stop rod Long castle in the shade.

30)、漆黑的夜晚,除了闹钟的滴答声和树枝的摇摆声,周围一片寂静。Dark night, in addition to the clock ticking and swing in the branches, the silence around them.


1、哭给自己听,笑给别人看,这就是所谓的人生。Cry to yourself, laugh to others see, this is what we call life.
描写安静的句子2、做个安静的孩子,在夜里安静的想你,安静的流泪。Do a quiet child, quiet in the night miss you, silent tears.

3、这世间有些事是不可抗拒无能为力的,比如生老病死This world some things are irresistible helpless, such as physical

4、漆黑的夜空,泛白的灯光下,书桌旁,你埋头于一道很难攻克的习题,一只手抓挠着头发,一只手握着笔在草稿纸上涂画。The dark night sky, the white light, desk, you bury our heads in a difficult to conquer the problem sets, scratching her hair with one hand, a hand holding the pen on the draft paper drawings.

5、那飞檐上的两条龙,金鳞金甲,活灵活现,似欲腾空飞去。The two dragons on the eaves, Jin Lin shining, lifelike, seemed to fly fly away.

6、车厢里一点声音也没有,仿佛是空的一般。The car have no voice, as if is empty.

7、亲近大海,领悟海,体会到了海的心声,海自然与你共鸣,无须刻意强求,也无须费力搜寻,海,始终都会以潮声与你相亲,以其海色伴你舒适!Close to the sea, see the sea, feel the voice of the sea, the sea natural resonate with you, do not need to deliberately try so hard, also need not arduous search, the sea, and always will be to tide voice with you mutually close, in the sea with you comfortable!

8、黑色笼罩了一切房屋,月色朦胧,树影婆娑,风儿轻轻,吹拂着群星那晶亮的脸庞。Black filled all the houses, the moonlight dim, leaf shadows, the wind, gently blowing the stars that the crystal face. ??

9、记忆携着阳光在阳台盘旋,窗台上的风铃也睡得正酣。时光,很安静。往事,很猖狂。窗外,无风。Memory with sunshine in the balcony, windowsill fengling also slept well represented. The time, very quiet. The past, is rampant. Out of the window, no wind.

10、没有汽车的轰鸣,多一份祥和;没有尾气的污染,多一份健康;没有喇叭的噪音,多一份安静。世界无车日,绿色出行,需要你的加入。No cars roar, a more peaceful; No tail gas pollution, more than a healthy; No horn noise, more quiet. World car free day, green travel, you are welcome to join us.

11、事事凡尘如倘若,笔笔清墨何曾殇Everything is left as if, bolt ink ever ruin

12、生活不是战场,无需一较高下。人与人之间,多一份理解就会少一些误会;心与心之间,多一份包容就会少一些纷争。Life is not a battlefield, without a rival. Between people, more understanding would be less misunderstanding; Between the heart and heart, more than a tolerance will be less disputes.

13、懂你的人成了知己淡漠依旧。不懂你的人成了朋友嘻哈似梦Understand you have become great indifference. People don't understand your became friends hip hop like a dream

14、无奈时也只是微笑,将失望与不甘一笔带过,假装无所谓Frustration is just a smile, will be disappointed with unwilling one has brought, pretend it doesn't matter

15、他向窗外瞥了一眼,那一线朦胧的薄雾在晃晃悠悠地渐渐向火车靠近。He glanced out of the window, the first-line hazy mist slowly to be near the train in longly.

16、你是我青春里清澈情感的萌芽,是我年少轻狂时的一道光You are my youth pure emotion in the bud, is a light when I was dazed and confused

17、一个安静的夜晚,我独自一人,有些空虚,有些凄凉。坐在星空下,抬头仰望美丽天空,感觉真实却由虚幻,闪闪烁烁,似乎看来还有些跳动。A quiet night, I was alone, there are some empty, some sad. Sitting under the starry sky, looked up at the beautiful sky, but it feels true by illusory, twinkling, looks like some beating.

18、世界太吵,让我变的很安静,在人群中,努力寻找另一个共鸣。The world is too noisy, let me become very quiet, in the crowd, trying to find another chord.

19、如果你早认清你在别人心中没那么重要,你会快乐很多If you had to recognize you in the heart of others is not so important, you will be a lot of happy

20、我赖以生存的信仰都被时间打败了,你亲手催毁了我们的梦I live in faith was defeated by the time, you personally ruined our dream

21、你要安静,我还你安静空间,可你真的喜欢上了这份安静,我不就成了作茧自缚了么?www.ziweifu.comBe quiet, I return you quiet space, can you really in love with the quiet, I don't become restrict?

22、其实,没有什么东西是不能放手的。时日渐远,当你回望,你会发现,你曾经以为不可以放手的东西,只是生命里的一块跳板,令你成长。In fact, nothing is can't let go. Increasingly well, when you look back, you will find that things you thought can't let go, just a springboard in the ways of life, make you grow.

23、接着,他向窗外吐了一口唾沫,用这种常用的方式表明他的愤慨之情。Then he took a spit out of the window, use the common way to show his anger.

24、把爱放在心里,一个人,也可以行走天涯。Put love in the heart, a person, can walk far.

25、我曾问自己:阳光,到底是什么?是你,回答我:阳光?阳光是无私的散发出光和热,美好与幸福的一道光环。生活,需要阳光,更需要阳光所带来的温暖,而这温暖,我们?需要去体验,去明白……I asked myself: sunlight, exactly? Are you, answer me: the sunshine? Sunshine is selfless sends out a light and heat, good and happiness of a halo. Life need sunshine, need the warmth of the sun brings more, and that warmth, us? Need to go to experience, understand...

26、涩的青杏,在悄无声息的成长,像我们成长一样Astringent QingXing, grow up in quietly, as we grow up

27、阳光从舷窗外面直射进来,使外边那间气象堂皇的舱房十分轩敞描写安静的句子。Sunshine from scuttle point-blank come in, outside make outside the meteorological majestic tank room is very spacious and bright.

28、坐落在树丛中的宫殿,露出一个个琉璃瓦顶,恰似一座金色的岛屿。Located in the bushes in the palace, show a glazed tile roof, like a golden island.

29、静谧的深夜,仰头看着天空的弯月,心情豁然开郎。Quiet late at night, please look at the sky of the meniscus, the mood suddenly open lang. Beautiful sentences

30、我不知道雨是否是孤独的,但雨却是宁静的,下雨的时候,世界格外安静,雨下越大,世界越静,到最后只能听到心脏的跳动。如果每天都下雨,那该多好啊。I don't know if the rain is lonely, but the rain is serene, when it rains, the world is quiet, the greater the rain, the world is static, in the end can only hear the beating of the heart. If it rains every day, that it would be good.


(1)、烟雨微茫下缓步独行在空旷街头,一个人倾听孤独的声音Misty rain the slim down slowly walk alone in an empty street, a person listening to the sound of loneliness

(2)、他望着窗外,而不久以前,夫人也在这里望着窗外那使她烦得要死的天气。He looked out the window, and not so long ago, my wife is here looked out the window that makes her weather bored.

(3)、雪花飘飘的日子,安静的让喧闹的世界平静;安静的让烦躁的心情安静。Snow or days, quiet calm noisy world; Let the mood of be agitated quiet quiet.

(4)、窗外的雨让我惆怅,我没带伞,却担心你着凉。The rain outside the window let me disappointed, I didn't bring my umbrella, but worry about you catch a cold.

(5)、东边日出西边雨,道是无晴还有晴。Sunrise east west rain, tao is fine and sunny.

(6)、时光的馈赠,岁月的雕琢和打磨才成就了现在的你The gift of time, the years carved and polished to you now

(7)、人不要等明天,因为没有人知道自己有没有明天。People don't wait for tomorrow, because no one know yourself whether you tomorrow.

(8)、谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。Who is who in the life traveler, who's who of life wheel, the previous dust, this wind, endless sad spirit.

(9)、生活就像一部庸俗的法国文艺片,没有高潮,没有情色,连字幕都没有。Life is like a French literary piece of vulgar, no orgasm, no sex, no subtitles.

(10)、草在结它的种子,风在摇它的叶子。我们站着,不说话,就十分美好。Grass in the seeds, the wind shake its leaves. We stood, don't talk, very good.

(11)、喜欢烟花但不敢看烟花绽放,因为我清楚最繁华也是最悲凉。Like fireworks but didn't look at the fireworks bloomed, because I know the most prosperous and most sad.

(12)、春的阳光,温暖而充满活力,唤醒世上沉睡的万物;夏的阳光,奔放而热情,泼洒着傲视一切的自信;含蓄而温馨,为小道上铺上金色地毯;冬的阳光,庄重而慈爱,为苍白的心灵注入生机与希望……一年四季,阳光滋润着你,而在你漫长的人生道路上,可曾充溢着金灿灿的阳光?The spring sunshine, warm and full of vitality, wake up sleeping all things in this world; The summer sun, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, splashing the defiance of confidence; Subtle and warmth, for the trail with golden carpet; Winter sunshine, grave and mercy, inject vigor and hope to the pale mind... All the year round, and the sun moistens you and in your long life road, ever filled with golden sunlight?

(13)、阳光温暖清新自然。每当一抹阳光洒在窗台上,我便回用双手捧住这大自然的馈赠,细细品味阳光的美好。阳光如此美丽。The sun warm and pure and fresh nature. Whenever a wipe sunshine sprinkled on the windowsill, I recycle hands hold this gift of nature, to savor the good sunshine. Sunshine is so beautiful.

(14)、不要以自己的眼光和认知去评论一个人,判断一件事的对错。不要苛求别人的观点与你相同,不要期望别人能完全理解你,每个人都有自己的性格和观点。Don't with their own eyes and cognitive to comment on a person, judge a thing of right and wrong. Don't demand that the views of others is the same with you, don't expect others to understand you, everyone has his own personality and ideas.

(15)、我从不抱怨你习惯早睡把我一个人丢在夜里,因为我享受这种独自安静想你的感觉,尽管混杂了一些寂寞。I never complain you habit early to bed, I a person lost in the night, because I enjoy the quiet think you feel alone, despite the mixed some lonely.

(16)、坐在末班的公车上,静看窗外转瞬即逝的点滴,孤寂无依。在你的世界,我犹如窗外的风景,静待流逝。Sit the last bus, static see fleeting spot outside the window, is lonely. In your world, I like the scenery out of the window, waiting for passing.

(17)、生活不能没有阳光的滋润,否则一切美好的事物都将黯然失色。带上你阳光般的笑容,去迎接每一个美丽的明天;上你阳光般的话语,去奉献,去奋斗,让世界充满阳光!Can't live without sunshine moist, otherwise all good things are in the shade. Bring your smile like the sunshine, to meet every beautiful tomorrow; Go up to your words, like the sunshine dedication, to strive, let the world is full of sunshine!

(18)、当你觉得你可以为之奋斗的时候,别放弃。等待是很难过,但后悔会更难过。When do you think you can fight for, don't give up. Waiting is very sad, but regret will be more sad.

(19)、连说再见的冷漠的表情都毫无温度,却早已天涯陌路不相问Even say goodbye no temperature cold expression, but already the end of the world does not ask strangers

(20)、周围安静得好像时间停滞了一样,仿佛一个动作就能将这平静击破。Quiet around like time stopped, as if an action can be the calm.

(21)、即使自己不快乐,也绝不去打扰别人的幸福,这是原则。Even if you don't happy, also never bother the happiness of others, this is the principle.

(22)、玫瑰花安静的盛开,紫罗兰安静的谢了。也草安静的蔓延,一丝沉没与压抑,却有品味。我沉默,不再离去……Quiet roses in full bloom, violets quiet thanks. Also the spread of the grass quietly, a sinking and distress, but have a taste. I am silent, no longer leave...

(23)、安安静静,倚坐在必胜客,望着玻璃窗外,闲散的人,让下午茶,清空一下乱绪。生活继续,日子照旧。描写安静的句子Quiet, lean in pizza hut, looking at the glass out of the window, an idle person, let the afternoon tea, emptying the disorderly mood. We go on, day remains the same.

(24)、你是我的宝贝,不是让别人来嫌弃的,可是我这麽在乎你,你却不要我了。You be my baby, don't let others to abandon, but I care about you so much, but you don't me.

(25)、那是一个暖和的早晨,从敞开的车窗外传来的林木气息十分怡人。It was a warm morning, trees smell coming from the open window is very beautiful.
